Period: 2018-2020
General Description: Education for Zero Waste and Circular Economy is an Erasmus + project aiming to eliminate a gap in education and training and to create a new training course focused on the circular economy and waste and developing the interdisciplinary skills needed to create new places work in the area. The international consortium of nine European countries, under the coordination of the Thessaly Development Center, AKETH-DCT, is responsible for producing four intellectual results: an interactive platform including a Knowledge Hub, an online course and a diagnostic tool.
The main objective of the EduZWaCE strategic partnerships is to support the exchange of best practices, enabling stakeholders to deepen and disseminate knowledge, develop and strengthen networks, increase their capacity to operate transnationally and share ideas, practices and methods. The project aims to create new VET programs dealing with waste and the circular economy and to focus on developing the interdisciplinary skills required for future jobs tailored to the needs of employers / SMEs.
Activities and results:
The project will focus on the following specific objectives:
• Developing partnerships between educators, businesses and stakeholders to support VET learners in acquiring and developing key skills and competences in the EC and encouraging employment
• Facilitate the recognition and validation of skills for new jobs: ZW & CE Manager and ZW & CE Technician by building two Skills, structured according to the standards and designed based on ECVET requirements.
• Developing ZW & CE education for all by establishing EduZWaCE as an Open Educational Resource (OER)
The project addresses the following groups:
• Managers, environmental managers, engineers, product designers, innovators, contractors, or specialist staff from public institutions, trainees - graduates with higher education
• Workers from recycling, recovery, repair of objects and equipment - high school graduates or professional schools
Further information on EduZWaCE can be found here: