Period: 2019 – 2022
Target groups
INSIGHT is targeting current and future workers of regional development agencies, technology centers, clusters, local and regional administrations, technology parks, as well as any other entity related to the economic development of specific areas of the territory.
Activities and results:
The expected intellectual outputs of INSIGHT are:
INSIGHT Partners
Ecores, Belgium – project leader
Simbyosy, Spain
Styrian Technology Park, Slovenia
Centre Tecnologico Del Mueble y La Madera de La Region de Murcia, Spain
National Centre for Sustainable Production and Consumption, Romania
Sistemi Formativi Confindustria, Italy
INSIGHT joint curriculum
To develop the Industrial Symbiosis Facilitator professional profile, the INSIGHT partners designed a dedicated training curriculum. Built taking into consideration the European Framework for Vocational Education and Training (VET), the training course is composed of five modules divided into several training units. Learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills, and competences are associated to each unit. ECVET points* are allocated to these learning units based on time and relevance. The INSIGHT curriculum will have a duration of 150 hours, corresponding to a total of 6 ECVET points.
The Curriculum’s five learning modules are:
Basic knowledge around Industrial Symbiosis, including history, concepts of industrial ecology and symbiosis, legal framework, key barriers and advantages. Also providing a more detailed description of the role of industrial facilitator.
Detailed explanation of the circularity of resources with three major focuses on waste materials, water resources and energy.
Step by step managerial approach to IS implementation via data collection, resource flow analysis, available circular economy and IS platforms. It includes an overview on the financial opportunities in order to finally build a sustainable business model.
Effective training on how to pitch IS to stakeholders, alongside entrepreneurship mindset, design-thinking strategies and co-creation methods. At the same time, it is supported by models of collaboration for inter-company work.
Concrete view on successful cases of industrial symbiosis. Each unit focuses on different approaches adopted: territorial, industrial park and company.
To validate the common curriculum, 72 stakeholders from different countries and backgrounds were involved. They are the main target of the Common Curriculum: employees from industries, regional development agencies, technology parks, local and regional administrations, etc.
More information can be found on